Chola Tax Plus Healthline Insurance Policy is meant for providing medical insurance coverage for both hospitalisation and non-hospitalisation (including OPD) expenses. This policy can be issued for individuals and families on floater sum insured basis.
Covers hospitalisation expenses.
Covers daily medicine and OPD expenses.
Get tax exemption on premium paid.
5% increase in Section 1 limit for every claim free year.
Room Rent Limit
1% of Sum Insured (SI) Per day
ICU Daily Rent Limit
2% of SI Per day
Pre-Hospitalization Expenses
Up to 60 days, Maximum 5% of Claim
Post Hospitalization Expenses
Up to 90 days, Maximum 10 % of Claim and up to Rs. 50,000
Minimum Hospitalization Period
24 hours
Day Care Procedure Coverage
Waiting Period for New Policy
4 years
50% co-pay applicable for Knee and Joint replacement surgery
Medical Screening
For persons upto 55 years of age, no medical tests are required.
Ambulance Expenses
Upto Rs.3000 per hospitalisation
Non-Allopathic Treatments
Treatments under Allopathy or any other system of Indian medicine (other than naturopathy) are covered.
Donor Expenses
Attendant Allowance
Not Payable - Part of Room Charges
No Claim Bonus
5% of Sum Insured every claim free year subject to maximum of 50% of Sum Insured