What is Travel Insurance?
Types of Travel Insurance
Key Features of Travel
Benefits of Travel Insurance
FAQ's on Travel Insurance
News on Travel Insurance
Claim Process

Travel insurance

We all have hectic life schedules, deadlines, work pressures and a time table to follow. And then, there is this time, a few days off from all this chaos, amidst nature and leisure, where we create memories to cherish with our loved ones.

The thought of packing for a trip, not following the hectic time table itself, brings a smile on our face!

"We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us." ...so true

What is Travel Insurance?

Travel insurance is simple a means to protect our happy times while travelling. Even if we know the country we are travelling to fairly well or are very careful about our planning, there are always certain things which are beyond our control.

Travel insurance covers during domestic and international journey for:-

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